
CARTE TIPARITA AMAZON - The Path to Divine Reconnection: Psy Defence

CARTE TIPARITA AMAZON - The Path to Divine Reconnection: Psy Defence Psy Defence – The Path to Divine Reconnection represents a series of information pertaining to the field of Cosmogenesis and Spiritual Hierarchies, and a series of procedures and working methods for meditation and psychoenergetic protection, meant to help and guide those interested in the field of spirituality and those who seek to understand our purpose as human race, in the frame of Creation of the INFINITE CREATOR. There is in the field of spirituality a plethora of information which is inaccurate, incomplete, badly understood, false, deformed, having inversed meaning and polarity, or some are being made up with the precise purpose of manipulating, others are being released on the market by various groups for gaining some direct benefits. The motivations are various, we could write a book on this sole subject and we would still not be able to clarify all the inaccuracies which “intoxicate” the spirits incarnated on Earth. The Ancient Mystery Schools have preserved up until tod...